Posted by: Jayne | April 9, 2011

Can you say thank you?

Sept 2006:

Lance got a toy for our son, and after giving it to him asked, “Can you say thank you?” He responded, “Oh, I forget sometimes.” So Lance asked, “Can you give me a hug for getting you that toy?” and he replied, “Oh, we don’t give hugs for toys!” So then Lance asked, “Can you give me a hug because you love me?” and he stood up and said, “Oh, I thought so!” and ran over and gave Daddy a big hug.

Another time, he was sitting at the table eating his banana bread, and Lance came over and asked for a bite. He replied, “We don’t share every time!” and wouldn’t give Lance any. There were some crumbs on the plate, though, and Lance jokingly asked if he could have some of those. Our son thought that would be ok, and even leaned over the plate as he took more bites so that more crumbs would fall on the plate for Daddy to eat.

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